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force and resistance

Tobias Becker

Sociologist Erving Goffman states, that there will only be a conflict, if there is one fixed point of view and another attitude who is trying to influence the solid side. The installation is a visualisation of this theory, but translated into two technical mediums, namely photography and film, fighting against each other. In different acrylic glass enclosings, different analog photo prints are fixed in place. Right next to the photographs, Super8-projectors show films, interacting with their photographic opponent. The mixes between photography and video show simple visualisations of force and resistance performed by people of different race, color and gender.

Laslo Chenchanna, Yun Heo, Theresa Lawrenz, Simon Tresbach

2019: Plat(t)form - Emerging European Artists - Photomuseum Winterthur (CH)
2018: slowly i turn - basis e.V. , Frankfurt am Main (DE), Display Detox - Reine Victoria, St. Moritz (CH), The Cobra Effect - Opel Mansion Ruesselsheim (DE) (SOLO), Deltabeben - Wilhelm-Hack Museum, Ludwigshafen (DE), Perspectives: Strategies in the Photographic Process - Days of Photography, Darmstadt (DE)
